Owner's area

The resort of Les Saisies has around 18,000 tourist beds. If you are an owner or are about to become one, here is some important information to help you manage your property properly, with peace of mind, and to get the best possible return if you rent it out. 

Owners are key players for Les Saisies as they are both our customers and our ambassadors. Customers, because many of you come several weeks a year to enjoy your accommodation and the resort. Ambassadors, because word-of-mouth is one of the best ways to introduce new holidaymakers to the resort.


The steps involved in renting out my property:

Mandatory declaration to the town hall : Furnished accommodation / Chamber d’hôte
Classification as a meublé de tourisme. We strongly advise you to take this step, which has many advantages for your tenant (clarity and quality of the offer…) as well as for you as the owner (tax relief…).Find out all you need to know on this subject (self-diagnosis help, table of classification criteria for all categories, classification application form…) : via OT73 or via 2 B & G Qualité
Labellisation (optional but a real plus to improve your rental yield thanks to better visibility and recognition of the quality and comfort of your accommodation) : new “Label Qualité Confort Hébergement” as part of the Lichô scheme, Clé vacances, Gîte de France….
Comparative analysis of different distribution channels (Les Saisies Réservation, Professionnels, Particulier à Particulier, websites and internet platforms…) (available soon).

 Enhancing the tourism offering to move upmarket in terms of accommodation.

Part of our accommodation stock is aging and another part is not or no longer marketed. These are major issues for the future of the resort. To help owners improve their rental yields we have decided to launch a Labellisation.
This innovative concept was launched on 27/12/18 by the SAEM supported by the SIVOM des Saisies and the communes in the area. This innovative concept was launched on 27/12/18 by the SAEM, supported by the SIVOM des Saisies and the communes of the area. It enables us to assist owners with their renovation or makeover projects, to classify and label them, and finally to offer them advantages in the resort. 

The Association des Propriétaires de Chalets et d’Appartements de la Station des Saisies was founded in 1985.
It aims to propose, participate, defend and inform. But also: 
– Propose improvements for resort life
– Participate in resort life by representing owners
– Propose improvements for resort life
– Participate in resort life by representing owners
– Defend owners’ interests by being critical, responsible and constructive
– Inform owners by presenting and commenting on news from Les Saisies in total independence

B.A.L. : Maison des Saisies

La taxe de séjour dans le périmètre du SIVOM des Saisies (fonctionnement, tarifs…) : Livret hébergeur
En savoir plus sur la taxe de séjour et la réforme entrée en vigueur au 1er janvier 2019: www.service-public.fr /  Practical guide (.pdf)

Important reminder
: the tax is paid by the holidaymaker, collected and then paid back by the owner or professional accommodation provider. It is intended for the development and promotion of tourism by allowing the commune to finance expenses related to tourist frequentation or the protection of their natural areas. Contact taxe de séjour : SIVOM des Saisies 04 79 38 90 26 ou info@sivom-lessaisies.com.

Tax advice (cabinet Ladouce et Perrier-Gustin) / Taxation of rental income

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