6 january > 24 march

Hauteluce by night, a nocturnal tour of the village

  • Cultural
  • Guided tour
  • Architecture
  • Habitat
  • Religious
  • Historic
Elevation : 1150m
Ecomusée, Chef lieu, 73620 Hauteluce
A one-and-a-half-hour stroll takes you from traditional wooden houses to the village's baroque church, dedicated to St-Jacques-d'Assyrie and completely renovated. Pure bliss opposite Mont Blanc!
The tour evokes the complementary relationship between the village and the resort, past and present. You'll discover the village's most typical houses and the history of the valley as you stroll along. The tour continues with a visit to the village's completely renovated Baroque church, one of the finest examples of Savoyard Baroque art.
Guided by a Pays d'art et d'histoire des Hautes vallées de Savoie guide.

Registration required by 12:00 noon on the day of the event.


Pets welcome
Pets allowed on leash only Pets not allowed in the church


From 6 January 2025 to 24 March 2025
One price
Groups (Max capacity)
  • 5 Person (s) mini
  • 40 Maximum number of people

Opening times

From 6 January 2025 until 24 March 2025
18:00 - 19:30
* Subject to favorable weather


Hauteluce by night, a nocturnal tour of the village
Elevation : 1150m
Ecomusée, Chef lieu, 73620 Hauteluce
Contact Hauteluce by night, a nocturnal tour of the village
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Updated on 23 December 2024 at 11:26
by Fondation Facim
(Offer identifier : 4806127)
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