Charging station for electric vehicles Les Saisies

  • Services
  • Transport services
  • Charging terminals for electric vehicles
Parking des Carrets, 73620 Les Saisies
1 terminal made up of 2 T2S sockets (the most common in Europe) + 1 Type E socket (classic socket found in our homes).

The use of these terminals is only possible for holders of a Chargemap Pass badge.
The Chargemap Pass is a payment badge and a universal access solution that allows you to charge your electric vehicle on most European charging networks (24/7 assistance).

Please note, to avoid buffer cars that monopolize the location, the price increases very significantly beyond 2 hours of charging (as indicated on the terminals). We therefore suggest that you avoid exceeding this time.


No banking transaction directly on the terminal.


Charging station for electric vehicles Les Saisies
Parking des Carrets, 73620 Les Saisies

Spoken languages

  • French
Updated on 29 November 2024 at 10:02
by Office de Tourisme des Saisies
(Offer identifier : 6000814)